How to Survive Yacht Week-Croatia If You’re Black AF

I had the opportunity to attend one of the Blackest yacht weeks in history. I’m not sure if I lucked out with timing or if Jesus LaDarius Christ himself chose to bless me, but whatever the reason, it was lit. Having a sea of friendly brown faces around while spending 7 days sailing was comforting.

This article is part 3 in my series of articles about the Yacht Week-Croatia. The first covers booking your yacht, the second covers planning/packing, and this one is about my experience.

You may be wondering why I’ve chosen to publish the 3rd part of the series prior to the second. While packing and planning are important, I feel it’s even more vital that I share my experience of Yacht Week-Croatia, as a Black woman, with my followers. Part 2 will be released within the next week. But for now, y’all gonna get this truth.

Prior to my trip I watched all the Yacht Week videos, viewed their hash tags on social media, and read articles by popular travel bloggers. None of these prepared me for what was undoubtedly one of the most interesting weeks I’ve ever experienced.

I had friends attend prior years and I wish they had given me some tips. So if you’re reading this article right now and you’re unapologetically, undoubtedly Black AF, take heed to my words in order to prepare for one of the whitest inventions since fluffernut sandwiches and green bean casserole.

1. Prepare to hear gentrified Rap and Hip-Hop. I heard a seasonless version of Ignition (Remix) that still haunts me to this day. I may or may not have shouted out, “What is this flaming hot garbage?” several times.

2. Practice your side eye and throwing shade in various languages and dialects. You will be tested. You will be tried. But if you learn to throw more shade than a forest of redwoods you will be able to see yourself through. 

3. Wear a protective style. Don’t even think about packing a synthetic wig, sis. Salt water + Futura hair is a no. You’ll look raggedy. Crochet braids, box braids, or cornrows are all excellent choices.

4. Be ready for peak caucacity. Whites with locs,whites in sandals and socks, whites attempting to twerk on rocks.1mlwvf.jpg

5. You will either be the token Black in photos or not photographed at all. I’m sure it’s because the photographers don’t see color🙃.

6. You will learn the meaning of “We all we got.” ‘Nuf said.

7. If you don’t like EDM, don’t do it, reconsider, read some literature on the subject aka this entire article. One Dutch DJ did play “Bodak Yellow”, “Antidote”, and “Wild Thoughts” at the Riviera Chic party, however it’s pretty much all EDM all the time. I’m not entirely sure why this is the main genre played. Because whenever hip-hop came on the entire crowd got hype. But I digress.

8. Micro aggressions abound. Locals will stare, call you chocolate, make kissing noises, YT Yacht Weekers will attempt to leave trash on your table, or invite you to their parties solely to seem hip, etc… I’ve heard repeated comments from Black women that, “The men in Croatia love us.” My only response to that is there’s a difference between being fetishized and being admired respectably.

The constant staring by Croatian locals was extremely off putting. I’ve been to over 25 countries and I’ve never in my life felt so uncomfortable. My crew and I did have a positive experience with two Croatians that had adopted sisters from the Congo. Seeing the joy on the little girls’ faces because they were able to speak to people that looked like them made the entire trip worth it. However, I genuinely hope that they’re treated better in the country growing up than we were while on our trip.

9. If you want to explore Croatia, this is not the trip for you. My favorite day of the entire week was one we spent exploring the island of Vis. Outside of this day our schedules were packed with Yacht Week parties and sailing. This gave us little to no time to explore the various islands we traveled to.

10. If you attended a PWI, you’ve had at least 4 years of preparation for this week. Channel the patience you used to get through that experience for this trip. Remember how you felt getting dragged to that Phi Beta Mayo basement party freshmen year? Multiply that experience over 7 days.

The purpose of this article is not to dissuade any Black people from attending Yacht Week. And all of these opinions are mine alone. However I feel I have an obligation to deliver the real real to my readers.

If you’re still interested in attending I hope you have a great trip and are thoroughly prepared. May Black Jesus, Auntie Maxine, and the force be with you.

*This is the 2nd article of a 2 part series I did on The Yacht Week. I previously covered booking the yacht here and this is my post trip recap.

13 thoughts on “How to Survive Yacht Week-Croatia If You’re Black AF

  1. Keish says:

    This. was. COMEDY.

    I wondered if this was a thing among the travel elite or if it just came on skinfolks’ radar recently?? Doesn’t seem like an event that we’d be welcomed at.
    I know your intent wasn’t to dissuade but it solidified everything I assumed the event to be. Hard pass, but the pic looks LIT!


  2. @Muzzlewump says:

    I’ve been to Croatia twice. I can’t say that I got the same experience. I’m a black dude and I loved it! I’ve been to 30+ countries and it is one of the most beautiful down the coast of the Adriatic Sea. The locals were nice to me.

    Of course hip hop is watered down… it’s Croatia, not Brooklyn. There’s hardly any black people if any yes, but again… It’s Croatia, not Ghana.

    I only write this because you seem to want to persuade black people not to bother experiencing such a jewel of a country in terms of sheer beauty. The atmosphere in Dubrovnik is a life experience worth having. I’m defending Croatia, not attacking you.

    Also, unapologetically black.


    • SurvivingOnAShoestring says:

      Thanks for commenting!

      This article is about the Yacht Week-Croatia, not Croatia in general. As far as the music I was referring to what was played by the Yacht Week DJs. Local Croatian clubs actually played a decent amount of reggae, hip hop, and top 40, which I enjoyed.

      I made sure to explicitly state that I was giving my opinion and not dissuading other Black people from visiting or taking part in Yacht Week.

      Glad you enjoyed your visit! If you ever get the chance to attend Yacht Week in Croatia I’m interested in hearing your opinion on it.


    • Appreciate the heads up says:

      this is your blog and your view. and we appreciate the posts, its also funny post, and you are being honest with your experience.

      i agree that it comes across as dissuading people. one might not blatantly say something but they can insinuate, allude and give examples . why would we pay $3000 to experience these points you listed? esp no 2, 5, 6 and worst of all 8?

      I also loved @MUZZLEWUMP comment because it countered your article, it also showed a positive side and is encouraging he went 2x.i hope more POC give their comments, make youtube videos etc and also share their experience

      ps: consider adding more points. Loved the salt water example,many people are sharing this link as a stand alone over social media and they might not read other posts.

      many people on facebook are also writing their own experiences in the shared link comments. some see your post as neutral some see it as negative. some feel it was spot on and others had a great time.


      • SurvivingOnAShoestring says:

        Thanks for reading!

        The comment you mention was a defense of the country of Croatia, which was never attacked. In fact, I state my favorite day was one on which I got to explore the country.

        As far as, “Why pay $3,000 for this experience,” that’s the exact question I want readers to ask themselves. As it’s one I asked myself constantly on the trip.


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